Angelic Pretty Jewelry Ribbon Boston Bag in Pink Pairs with: Angelic Pretty Dream Fantastic Balloon JSK, Angelic Pretty Symphonia of Birds JSK, Emily Temple Cute Polka Dot Frill and Rose Print JSK |
BTSSB "Little Red Riding Hood" Mook Pairs with: Innocent Red Riding Hood Ribbon JSK |
Shirley Temple Ribbon Novelty Travel Bag in Red Pairs with: Angelic Pretty Dream Fantastic Balloon JSK |
Lovely Lotta Sweetheart Candy Heart Shaped Bag in Red Pairs with: Cherry Jam Lace JSK in Ivory, Innocent Red Riding Hood Ribbon JSK, Emily Temple Cute Strawberry Gobelin Coat |
BTSSB Secret Forest Little Red Riding Hood ♥ Happy Strawberry Usakumya Pochette Pairs with: Innocent Red Riding Hood Ribbon JSK, Emily Temple Cute Strawberry Gobelin Coat |
BTSSB Usakumya Rucksack Mini Mini Pairs with: Angelic Pretty Dream Fantastic Balloon JSK, Cherry Jam Lace JSK in Ivory, Angelic Pretty Dramatic Rose Set JSK, Angelic Pretty Symphonia of Birds JSK, Emily Temple Cute Polka Dot Frill and Rose Print JSK |
【ATELIER PIERROT×Lumiebre】Prima Umbrella in Black Pairs with: Innocent World Scalloped Yoke Lace OP, Emily Temple Cute Polka Dot Frill and Rose Print JSK, Juliette Et Justine Maria Annunciation Cross OP |
BTSSB Baby Merry Pagoda Umbrella in White Pairs with: Angelic Pretty Dream Fantastic Balloon JSK, Innocent Red Riding Hood Ribbon JSK, Angelic Pretty Dramatic Rose Set JSK, Angelic Pretty Symphonia of Birds JSK, Bodyline Elise High Waist OP |
BTSSB Sweet Cream Strawberry Days Umbrella in Pink x Black Pairs with: Emily Temple Cute Polka Dot Frill and Rose Print JSK |
Emily Temple Cute Summer Fair: Cherry Pattern Folding Umbrella Pairs with: Cherry Jam Lace JSK in Ivory, Emily Temple Cute Strawberry Gobelin Coat |